Sunday, January 31, 2016

Soul-Self Entry, 1st Energetic Developmental Stage

When I was first introduced to the 13 Energetic Developmental Stages of Humans four years ago, I thought Where would I find the time to fit one more thing in?” That all changed after I experienced the difference the 1st Stage made: the 15 minutes a day it took to listen to the download was more than worth it. I haven’t stopped since.  Here is a journal entry from the first time I entered the Soul-Self Entry stage in December 2011.

There is a calm sense of holding onto myself - even in the midst of turmoil - a staying with my core self that has been missing.   In the first few weeks of this cycle I’ve had experiences of staying in flow, grounded, connected to myself, to the containers of the star forms and their energy. I’ve experienced staying steady - moving through long lists of daily tasks - a connection to what is deep within, that exists beyond words.   Essence.  Soul essence.  Amazing. Really. Step by step, moving forward, not being overwhelmed - my thoughts, movements and actions emerging out of connection to self.  A quiet satisfaction, a non-exuberant happiness.  An ability to handle things that my children or family do that might normally pull me out of myself, my connection.  But no, this time I stay put, in the face of provocation.  I’ve wanted this for so long.  After so many decades of different meditation practices, I never thought I could have it.  It’s like entering another way of experiencing life, another way of living, and yet everything around me stays the same.  I get images of us, humans - our soul essence entering the body through which these energies flow, allowing connections and communication across space and time.”
I did not understand so much of what I experienced or what was said that first time through the stage.  Yet, I knew with certainty a few things. Energetic development through the 13 stages was unlike anything else I had known.  No other practice had begun processes in me that continued to cascade over months and years after, where the changes didn’t fade over time but rather rooted more solidly within.      
Thank you for reading and being a part of this journey.    Abbe Grossman

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Awaken Cycle 1 - Soul Self Entry Day 5

Day 5:  Walking between two stars and feeling the conflict of moving into our sensing selves.  The first time I went through the Energetic Developmental Stages I just went with whatever I was experiencing.  I didn’t really understand what was said or what I was feeling, if I even was aware of feeling anything.  I do remember appreciating Kiera mentioning, at the end of Day 5 in Awaken – 01, that cognitive understanding of energetic development is not the beginning, it is the last.

Now I am on my third time walking the Stages, currently midway through Stage 5.  Looking back on Stage 1 this time through I had a different experience.  Day 5 in Awaken – 01 is walked in the Sensing Path of the Relationship to Self-Corner.  This time I had information come to me that I had been seeking regarding myself.  It came to me through sensing, just kind of popped into my consciousness.  It felt right and good.  It was really neat to get such a clear answer.

This experience was much different from my first, where I listened and just went with the flow.  I think each person’s experience will be unique to them, whether it be their first, second or more.  Enjoy it is special however you receive it.

Cindy Harris

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Awaken Cycle 1, Day 1 – Pure Experience

Welcome to the Awaken Cycle 01 – Journey into Form: Soul Self Entry. One thing I have found helpful during my journey has been to keep an Awaken Cycle journal. I make notes of what Kiera says on the recording for that day and any thoughts that come up during that day.

As I look at my old journals and listen to Day 1, I really connect to what Kiera says when she talks about "pure experience" in terms of your energetic development...Don’t get attached to cognitive container...Pulse between you and star form will change your energetic development inside.

I recall the confusion I had my first time I walked this Awaken Cycle labyrinth. Trying to completely understand everything Kiera was talking about in the recording. But then my sensing took over and I let myself sink into the star form – knowing I needed to let my confusion go and know that it was safe to stop trying to figure everything out with my cognitive brain. All I needed was to relax and connect to the star form and know it was helping me to create change in my life as well as giving me support, healing and teaching me. The thing that grounded me the most during this first day of the first cycle was the deep knowing that what I was doing before this wasn’t working for me so I had to just let go and allow myself to have the "pure experience" of what this Awaken Cycle had to offer me. I am now on my 3rd time through the cycles and so glad I did.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Soul Self Entry: Walking Day 1

On Day 1 I was with the experience of resetting my physical frequency to my soul essence, releasing fear of the abyss, and being with what came up. This experience of walking Day 1 was like a homecoming to me. I could feel my physical body re-syncing to the frequency of my essence. I felt like a tingle in my limbs and a pulse though my core. I remember smiling to myself with joy for this new sensation as I sat in my practice.

Moving through this lunar labyrinth was a warm and nurturing experience, and being with my body felt like the beginning of a new and wonderful relationship. I held myself that day joyful and grateful for taking this first step.

... <3 ...

Welcome to Energetic Development and thank you for joining me in my reflection of my journey through Day 1 of the first developmental stage! It is so sweet to remember my experience and share this exciting day with you. I have since completed Awaken 01 and am now walking Awaken 02: Taking Form and Being Met. As I walk these first two stages my relationship with myself grows and develops in many beautiful ways that I look forward to continue sharing with you here on our Energetic Development blog.

Lovingly, Sarah

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Soul Self Entry: An Amazing Beginning

Welcome Everyone!

I’d like to share my overall experience with Labyrinth 1 – Soul Self entry.  In all of the pondering I have done over the years regarding our human existence, I never considered where our soul essence actually resides inside of our body.  As I walked this labyrinth I learned to prepare my body as a safe haven for my soul essence to enter and for my energetic development to begin. This labyrinth was the launch of an amazing journey of experiencing the body sensations and laying the foundation for communication with the Universe.   As I walked the labyrinth each day I started to feel different vibrations throughout my body as it began to awaken and communicate with me.  I began to realize how little body energy I had until I walked this labyrinth.  After my many, many years of reading and research, I was surprised to discover how little I understood about my own soul essence and energetic development.

Everyone’s experience is unique and I’ll share one of the many body sensing signals that occurred while walking this labyrinth.  Every time I would have an emotional thought, my left arm would tingle from my elbow down to my wrist communicating to me where I held my emotions.  This lasted for a couple months and eventually the sensation left and a healing was triggered in my body.  Different sensations traveled throughout my body turning on communication and healing as my soul essence took root in my body.  My soul essence and body energy were beginning to communicate with me and I learned how to listen, understand and respond.  What a gift!    I’m currently walking Stage 12 and my body energy continues to expand in awareness and consciousness. 

It is very liberating to know that there is so much more to experience beyond the human information that we’ve been smothered with and to begin to communicate outside of those boundaries. This is an amazing journey that must be experienced and much of the experience is actually beyond words.  I will be forever grateful to Kiera for bringing this gift to the world as it truly benefits every living thing on this planet and beyond.

My love and gratitude to Kiera and my best to everyone who takes the journey.  We have an amazing community to support you, please join us.

With Love . . .  Colleen

Awaken Stage #02  Being Met When we first come into being as a human infant, the ideal experience that we should all have is that of ...

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