Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Awaken Cycle 3- Day 9 Moon Gemini/energy of twin

Day 9's path is in Sensing in Relationship to other corner.

This is an amazing day in the rhythm of 4x4 of emergence into flow, expansion of the Universe!

Mirroring the 4x4 expansion principle. Facing the reflection. Moving with the reflection. Holding the reflection aware of my own sense. Awareness of my sense of self in the flow of what is created.

Kiera recorded Awaken Cycle day 9 on leap day, we are led to release confusion of any fighting with the energy as you face off the twin because we created this day.

Going to the inward path of other's. In my sensing reflection. With other's reflection to me. Organizing both. I sense my perception to other's.

This day speaks to me in real time.  Recently going through my Mother's passing, I realized how much change there was in my family, since growing up together and how we handled this time. At times I had to "step back" physically because I realized all of these 4x4 principle's were going on, I did not want to stay stuck in the confusion of it all.  Once I sensed  reflection, I would physically step back, I was then able to organize reflection and to sense my perception of  other's. So many emotions during this time!! I am still amazed how the container of the stages helps me then because I am contained it helps others around me!

I am so thankful to Kiera  for the container the stages give me and for all who walk them!

In reflective relationship,

Monday, April 25, 2016

Awaken Cycle 3 – Day 2

Just sharing my experience of one day – Day 2 of Awaken Cycle 3:

Kiera begins the day stating that - “the energies call us to master the day.… Master not being caught by the stress of our own self-perception. Or the self-perception that causes us stress. And in that stress - not grabbing the rope that we think will save us but will only pull us under.”

That last phrase catches my attention as looking back I think that has happened to me many times before. I release fear and feel the support of the star form. I feel strong as if I am swimming in the paths as Kiera suggested.

I feel a pain moving through my left arm from elbow to fingers. I work on releasing. By the end of the recording, it’s just a dull pain in my fingers. I know that as I stay in the star form throughout the day this will continue to dissipate. 

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Awaken 03-Living in Interrelated Energetic Boundaries

Day 25

This day is one to be experienced for it is difficult for me to find human words to describe really.
This was a day that helped me realize the true support of the starform and how being in it solely
and completely sinking deep allows us to be protected. Walking this day moon sign in Capricorn,
with the outer most edge of the soul esssence path in relationship to the human field corner.
Today with the affects of the humanfield because there is so much coldness in the humanfield that
can affect our essence we call on the starform in the labrynth to protect us today Starform, Solar winds, Cycles of the moon, constellations my body releases into the starform feeling the labrynth beneath my feet supporting me as I walk. Releasing anything that keeps me from walking, starform supporting-sensing and being with it, Key aspects in having the support we need in creating change.
  Receiving support and am clear in my soul essence perceiving the warmth in me and the warmth
of the solar winds as I experience this support sensation of being warmed by the sun moves in and
and the sense of being swaddled like a baby would be by a nurturing loving mother giving support
and allowing a place of serenity to be. Sinking deep in the starform with my soul essence so deep that the coldness of the humanfield no longer affects me as I walk and sink my body sensing the support all tension literally releases from my head,neck,back, heart,legs and I am completely resting feeling comfort, swaddled, safely protected as if in a cacoon soul at peace as the coldness of the human field dissipates. In great gratitude I am with the inner warmth of the starform and inner warmth of soul essence path. Allowing me to just be.
                                                  In pulse relationship      

Awaken Cycle 3

I had been experience a feeling of 'aloneness', a sense of  “left out” during my most recent time through the 3rd Stage, Awaken 03.  This misperception, of being alone, began to dissipate during my practice.  Listening to Day 2 I began to see the energetic origins of that experience as a visual image came to me of interrelated energetic boundaries.
 I am snug inside my sphere, my electromagnetic field (sometimes called the ‘aura’), contained by the energetic boundaries surrounding my field.   Around the outside edge of my aura is a beautiful swirling cobalt blue energy, defining and containing me inside my sphere.  From within my field a pulsating energetic wave moves out to meet the electromagnetic field of Earth, which then sends a wave, a communication, back to me.  Through these fields I come into interrelationship with Earth, which in turn pulses, sends and recieves waves to and from the other planets in our solar system. 
This pulsating communication goes out into our Milky Way galaxy and beyond.  It puts me snug in my position, where I fit within the larger picture of the universe, contained in my field, in interrelationship with Earth, through energetic boundaries.

The situation in my life that evoked these feelings, had not changed.   As I listened, and digested the stress, however my perception of 'aloneness' began to wash away.  

“I digest things about me that cause me stress. As I digest, the stress wanes. I am
 with who I am.  The perception of myself that causes me stress, transforms.                                I move with who I am, and rest.”  
 (Quote from Energeticdevelopment.org, Awaken 03, Day 2, copyright Kiera Laike)

As I occupy my pulsating position, it is as if becoming a part of a pulsating chorus, a communication, a beautiful interrelated dance of energies, moving and communicating.  I am anything but left out: rather I’m included in a beyond words amazing pulsating song of communication within the Universe.   

Monday, April 18, 2016

Awaken 03 Day 13

Awaken 03 helps us to live with the increasing energy we are receiving.  It gives us healings to manage the energy we are gathering.  Day 13 is one of the healings, which come to mind.

On Day 13 the healing is for the brain.  It helped me to heal strong emotions concerning a particular situation.  It helped to even out the emotions involved.  Then I was able to look at it from a different perspective.

The energy we are gathering gives us a fresh take on new and old experiences.  Awaken 03 helps us to live with the new perspectives the energy is giving us, learn and live.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Awaken Cycle 03 Living in Interrelated Energetic Containers

Day 10 Sensing in Human Field
The day before opens our own deep sense of self and the expanse of universe.
Today we have a deep sense of whether we will trust what has been created or will begin to sense what could be created. Connection to soul verses human field.

My experience from this path has led me to a deeper sensing in knowing myself. As I follow the voice file in practice of sensing to perceiving, like the waves on the shore moving back and forth, I am drawn to the interaction I am having, listening with respect to what is my connection to soul verses human field. This pulse process has taught me to pay attention, listen, and discern what is and what could be.

Awaken Cycle 03 helped me in developing my sensing awareness of whether I will trust what has been created or will begin to sense what could be created. With my understanding of this, I would like to share an example on how I have exercised this teaching. In everyday living there are various things that may put pressure on us to be irritated and at times I would find myself in this situation. When I’m around others and feeling irritated, my responses have varied; standing my ground, or withdraw, or blame the other for my irritation, or be in total confusion. Since walking this path it has taught me to be able to sense what’s within me that brings up my irritation, what has been created and then be able to move towards what could be created.

Through the support of the stages things have shifted for me and what followed is a deeper connection to my sensing. So, with my sensing brings awareness, and with this awareness I am able to shift from this case, irritation, to what could be created; I am aware and own what’s in me, enabling me to shift, and then begin meeting other from a neutral place within me.

As ever, I am always grateful for my awakening as a sensing and energetic being from walking these Awaken Cycles.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Awaken 3 - Understanding Containers

Hello All,

I have received many profound realizations during the Awaken 3 – Living in interrelated energetic boundaries moon cycle.  At first I struggled with the concept that everything exists within a container as my cognitive thinking would always try to understand everything logically.  I began to let Kiera’s words wash over me as I listened daily to the recordings and the understanding gradually came.   As my knowing grew, I began to clearly see what the human field was and when I was consumed by it and living in that container.  I began to feel and sense the difference of the energy between the human field and the embodied spheres.  I realized how “un-contained” my behavior was when I was interacting and responding to the human field, and how I had allowed those experiences to define myself (and it wasn’t very good).  As I progressed through Awaken 3, I grew stronger and began to easily distinguish what container I was interacting with.  I learned to stay connected to the embodied spheres and disengage with the human field.  A sense of peace and calm became my new state as I connected to the embodied spheres and Self.  I was able to leave behind the unending craziness of the human field and my feelings of unworthiness.  I realized that those self-judgments were lies.  I continue to grow into my sensing and abilities to know the truth from the lies, a priceless gift.

In deep gratitude to Kiera for the amazing gifts she’s given to us all. 

With love,

Colleen Mayer

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