Sunday, June 19, 2016

Awaken Cycle 4, Day 10

Sharing my experience of Day 10 for Awaken Cycle 4...
 Kiera talks about what a difference a day makes. Shifting from Body energy path to relationship to others can be a difficult shift as we are more under literal meaning of cancer of the crab (cancer) was crushed under Hercules foot. Know the energy in the star form will move you through the day and allow you to avoid being crushed (figuratively and literally) by your relationship to others. She talks about what a difference a day makes – how we’ve all experienced a day where one day you are on top of the world and the next we’ve completely failed at what we were doing. This often happens when the energetic days line up like this. Kiera assures us contained in the star form we will move through and not be crushed.

Hearing these words wash over me, I relate to what she says about being on top of the world one day and come crashing down the next. I think often we aren’t aware of this influence that others can have on us on an energetic level. I feel how supportive the star form is and know I need to keep releasing any resistance to staying in the star form 24/7. Feeling the star form support my perception and how it allows us to move to a different position before being crushed by the movement of others.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Awaken-05 Passion and Position

Awaken-05 Passion and Position was an insightful stage for me, although it was not necessarily at first.  My third time through this stage is when I became aware of my passion.  I believe I knew it and worked toward it but did not acknowledge it consciously.  This work is my passion.

In preparing to do this blog I was drawn to Day 22.  Gathering more essence and being clear it is mine.  It is important to separate our essence from others as we gather.  For me this extends into regular life in not letting others influence us.  We need to hold true to what we sense as being right.  Knowing and following our sensing is coming into our position.

I hope you enjoy Passion and Position and it is as insightful for you as it was for me.

Cindy Harris

Monday, June 6, 2016

Awaken 04 Alignment of 3 in Reflective Movement

Day 7

I would like to share with you this day of walking because of the deep healing that this paticular
day holds. There are no words that really can describe this experience it really is something to be
energetically witnessed but none the less for those of you that are interested in reading my experience
I will do my best.

As I start walking the words of Kiera wash over me like a wave from the ocean I meet the Sun,Moon,
Pulse fields, solar winds and immediately sense the energetic  support of the starform. Settling in and walking I meet the 2 stars of Gemini as I pulse out to meet them a sense of security comes in, these
2 bright stars support us in releasing fear and also supports us in releasing from the center of our head allowing us to have a deep sense of being within myself deep within. I'm able to release fear which
allows myself my soul self to snuggle down deep inside and  I am settled so deep inside that I can
breathe feeling every part of who I am feeling very alive. Kiera guides me to Release fear and gather the Light in the darkness and move with the light in the darkness, releasing fear allowing myself to gather to me that of who I am. Deep nero healing in the cetacoline and melatonine is occurring as the center of my head is being cleared of fear that keeps us from our nero balance. As I clear and breathe and pulse in and out  a better sense of knowing who I am emerges allowing me to be with who I am in the real time world, I don't have to try to be anything more than who I am or anything less. I am
balanced and I just am, allowing me to move as sun sign Aries pulls us to the alignment of 3 in reflective relationship. In my moving I pulse out and am able to meet others in this balanced state as I
am in the support of the starform throughout the day and into the night. Knowing and Sensing deep healing within. Balanced
                                         Ever Gathering, 

Awaken Stage #02  Being Met When we first come into being as a human infant, the ideal experience that we should all have is that of ...

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