Saturday, March 17, 2018

Awaken Stage #02  Being Met

When we first come into being as a human infant, the ideal experience that we should all have is that of "being met".....ideally by our mother as she first gazes into our eyes and we experience the meeting of our souls.  Given the de-evolution of our world (need I elaborate?).....this often does not happen.  And from there, our experience devolves into being "forced" into being someone or something other than what our soul longs to meant to be.  Thus we are forever longing to get this soul need met in a variety of  frustrating unsuccessful attempts and unmet needs.... unfulfilling relationships, working in unsatisfying jobs, chasing highs with a variety of addictions, etc. etc.

Walking Stage #2 gives one a healing experience of being met; thereby feeling more grounded, happier, less frustrated, and often experiencing for the first time a true understanding of our soul purpose here on earth.

Walk and learn.....walk and heal.

Awaken Stage #02  Being Met When we first come into being as a human infant, the ideal experience that we should all have is that of ...

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