Monday, March 21, 2016

Second Labyrinth: Taking Form and Being Met - Day 27

Coming into today's practice, I felt a great deal of what I would have understood at another point in my life as "Depression" - a sadness without particular content, which was attaching itself to everything from my relationship to my professional life.

In this practice, the first shift in this experience came in the lead-in part of the practice, releasing down intrusion on my body energy by the human field with the inhale. I felt myself and my body letting go of some kind of collapsing inward pressure that I was not aware up until this practice. The heaviness of the experience began to depart, and I noticed a sense of relief taking the place of the sadness that I had been feeling.

The second shift to this experience came during the walking of the inward body energy path in the human field corner. With the pause of the breath working with body energy changing from contraction to pulse, there was an additional relaxation. Then, working with pulsing out to meet with the inhale, and in to meet with the exhale, I felt a sense of coming into a place of relationship, and the departure of a sense of isolation and withdrawal from others that had accompanied by earlier feeling.

Overall, my experience of today's practice was a sense of being freed from the trapped form of contraction that I came to see as my natural inward pulse having been imposed upon by human field intrusion and turned into collapse. I felt the sense of leaving that form, and entering into a capacity for more pulse - inward AND outward - in order to meet both self and world. I started to see the inward pulse (including a deep inward pulse) as something distinct from inward, stuck, collapse. I could see the deep inward pulse as part of the journey, that when protected and contained from intrusion would lead me into a deeper inward meeting, as part of the inward-outward pulse-relationship of being Met.

In body,

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