Friday, July 29, 2016

Awaken Cycle 05 Seeds of Passion and Position

In Awaken 05 walking day 4, inward path in Body Energy in Relationship to Human Field and inward and outward paths Relationship to Self-corner.

The first path we walk supports us in separating our hearts desire from the reflection of the heart’s desire in the human field.
Then walking the body energy paths in relationship to self-corner in these paths create a deep energetic body connection.  

I share with you my process of walking this path as I listen to the voice file -
In the pause, sinking deep in to myself I listen to the words and let them flow over me. Sinking in - knowing my heart’s desire, allowing for the communication through my sensing. Now on the inhale, again allowing the words to flow over me - separate the reflection from the human field from the core of my heart’s desire. I am not getting any cognitive associations and I feel a little beside myself … I seem to have an expectation. I acknowledge this and move on, knowing it will all be experienced deep within when the time is right.

The star within the star form supports me in knowing, releasing force. I realize with my expectation I am forcing an outcome that is not aligned or in flow. This confirms what I am experiencing. I’m coming to terms with what I have been holding on to. Within the star form I am feeling the support. I can now start to sense the pressure within me that has been built to move me with force to get things done or to get things I want in life.

 The star within the star form awakens me, supports me.
We awaken within the container were we are energetically clear of the core of our hearts desire and then our energetic states will know and support us in transforming in to what is needed to obtain them.

I move through my day all the while staying in the star form sensing what is, again force rears its head, I acknowledge it again and again. Its teaching me about what I am in tuned to. Not liking it all the while but moving through. The more I acknowledge it the more I seem to settle in to myself and that’s when I got it…trust. Trusting my deep connection to myself as an energetic sensing being. I’m excited, I’m sensing my deeper connection.

This is my experience when I listened to the voice file, and as I stay connected through my day. The movement from walking the body energy paths continue to speak and teach me, moving me ever deeper in to who I am.

As I connect to myself, a movement from within me flows up, a well spring of deep appreciation for Kiera Laike for the support and love she reflects in the Awaken Stages that has carried me through.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Awaken Cycle 04 The Alignment of Three in Reflective Movement

In Awaken 04 walking day 23, Soul Essence in Relationship to Others corner. Gather soul essence and leave what we become for others that was not our soul essence. Sensing, experiencing, knowing the container.

Through the container of the star form, my first realization through my sensing starts with intense focus on -  the ability to tease out ourselves from others in perfect harmony.

Focusing on this supports me in knowing there is this part of me intertwined with others. I come into full acceptance of what this means on a sensing level. In the beginning I could see it but not grasp exactly what this was and as I reflected deeper within myself, this knowing takes root.  Seeing in to the reflection, I base who I am from others responses. This knowing I have not met so clearly until now,

What proceeds to come up latter after I had a conversation with a friend was a nagging re-occurrence of what was said. I stopped ruminating about what was said and turned my attention back to what the stages were teaching me…. know the difference between myself and others.  I looked again at the hinted suggestion from the conversation and asked myself – what part of this is me that is making me feel unsettled from the conversation. The suggestion was carrying me to another place I didn’t want to go, I kept fighting it and was torn.

I buckled down, and I was able to see what has brought me to this struggle. I was touched by what was, that was brought up from my past, feeling the pull to be back in that place. I was not being with what is as an energetic being. With this being seen I was able to settle and move on, knowing the difference between myself and other. I sensed, experienced and knew my container.

I find having the discipline and diligence in doing these stages and having the support of the star form has brought me to continuously focus deeper within myself of who I really am - an energetic developmental being in a spiraling universe.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Awaken Cycle 5, Day 1 - Passion Seeds of Transformation

Kiera speaks of permission to have our hearts desire and the energy to transform whatever we need to transform in order to obtain it. In order to do this we first begin to clear. She talks about how often times our hearts desire has been twisted, morphed or changed by coming into contact with many things.

We first focus on releasing loss of belief that your essence can obtain your heart’s desire. Hearing the words wash over me this hits home as I have often experienced this loss of belief due to the many times I’ve tried so hard to do different things in my life in order to achieve my perceived heart’s desire that I lose the belief that it is possible.

Feels healing very healing as I listen to this and sink into the star form. I try not to focus too much on what was twisted and altered on a cognitive level and just release. Feel very calm by the end of listening to day of the 5th cycle. 

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