Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Awaken Cycle 04 The Alignment of Three in Reflective Movement

In Awaken 04 walking day 23, Soul Essence in Relationship to Others corner. Gather soul essence and leave what we become for others that was not our soul essence. Sensing, experiencing, knowing the container.

Through the container of the star form, my first realization through my sensing starts with intense focus on -  the ability to tease out ourselves from others in perfect harmony.

Focusing on this supports me in knowing there is this part of me intertwined with others. I come into full acceptance of what this means on a sensing level. In the beginning I could see it but not grasp exactly what this was and as I reflected deeper within myself, this knowing takes root.  Seeing in to the reflection, I base who I am from others responses. This knowing I have not met so clearly until now,

What proceeds to come up latter after I had a conversation with a friend was a nagging re-occurrence of what was said. I stopped ruminating about what was said and turned my attention back to what the stages were teaching me…. know the difference between myself and others.  I looked again at the hinted suggestion from the conversation and asked myself – what part of this is me that is making me feel unsettled from the conversation. The suggestion was carrying me to another place I didn’t want to go, I kept fighting it and was torn.

I buckled down, and I was able to see what has brought me to this struggle. I was touched by what was, that was brought up from my past, feeling the pull to be back in that place. I was not being with what is as an energetic being. With this being seen I was able to settle and move on, knowing the difference between myself and other. I sensed, experienced and knew my container.

I find having the discipline and diligence in doing these stages and having the support of the star form has brought me to continuously focus deeper within myself of who I really am - an energetic developmental being in a spiraling universe.

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