Sunday, October 23, 2016

Awaken 07 Being, The Soul Solidarity

Being, The Soul Solidarity   Awaken 07
 Day 5

Today is actually a healing for the Neuoral Pathways, being in the starform support of moon sign Leo
sun sign- cancer, flux fields, and solar winds .
being in the  human field corner the energy that humans have placed on Leo, so we are at risk of sacraficing today on a nero level in order to facilitate someone elses completing whats important to them. So being in the Starform today is important it provides us with the true support of Leo. Dopamine and Norepinephrine balance when they are protected.

Dopamine is involved in emotional responses, Norepinephrine has been implicated in maintaining arousal (awakening from deep sleep) dreaming, and regulating mood.

Today as I am with the support of the starform I am with feeling my connection to earth- becoming settled and grounded my heart feels at ease and I feel unity as I sense earths energy in my feet and in my legs supporting my structure and my heart feels supported and strong. I feel my connection to self and perceive my positon, In my heart I sense and know I am supported and I am content. With my nero pathways I sense myself more and nero pathways are able to move.
Starform communicating with my nero pathways Dopamine and Norepinephrine respond to the connection. I feel cradled and calm as I am with the support of the energy of the starform.
Nero healing takes place today as I stay in the starform this helps with not getting lost in addictions or lost in the summer sky or lose ourselves to other peoples desires.
Dopamine and Norepinephrine respond to the settle energy of the starform.
Allowing myself to stay supported with my soul essence and on my own path not getting lost.

How easy it is to get pulled into others desires if we are not supported in ourselves.

                   Ever Gathering, Candace

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Stage 6 Day18: Reflective Relationship

Kiera recorded Stage 6 Day 18 on June 6, 2012. I was drawn to write about this awakened cycle because on June 6, 2016 my business Teaching Sphere LLC was approved!
It was suggested by Kiera after I finished the 13 Developmental Stages the first time to listen to them over again, that no matter the date in real time they would still apply.
Stage 6 Day 18 was recorded in the energy of Full moon in Capricorn, inward outward inward soul essence path in relationship to self corner. Today we walk free of the energetic influence of the human field interpretation of Capricorn. We soar and gather in pure connection to self...
On this day 4 years after this stage and day was recorded I am grateful to see the reflection in real time!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Awaken Cycle 4 - Day 15 revisited

Because of some transitional life events (completion of my doctoral dissertation, new job, moving, etc.) I was advised to take a break on cycle 4 and return to it when I sensed the time as right to do so. I'm starting over now, from the point where I started having trouble in my last round. By trouble, I mean difficulty keeping the practice to an every day, or at least every other day schedule, and a feeling of "working hard" when listening to each recording when I did get to it.

In Awaken Cycle 4, day 15, the focus is on sensing core, and sensing the human field. Creating the ability to distinguish between the two. This feels like it's really helping to maintain a sense of connected self in the midst of all of the influence of the human field around me. Things like culture, media, other people's expectations and energetic influences, and so on. For much of my life, this has been a challenge for me, where I have had a tendency to take on and absorb what is around me, mirroring it in some way, and losing a connection to myself. It's something that I've noticed doing this practice has had a big effect on, in terms of reducing my sense of loss of self in the face of others and the world at large.

Today's practice specifically feels like it's touching into this past vulnerability that I have had, and helping me to parse out who I am, at a soul level, from who others seem to want me to be. It seems to be strengthening the part of me that can know who I am, and maintain this connection even under whatever kind of outside pressure might be there.

As always, I'm thankful for this practice, and the support it offers. I'm looking forward to the journey it will continue to facilitate.


Awaken Cycle 06 Reflective Relationship

In Awaken 06 walking day 7, inward, outward, inward, Neural paths in Relationship to Human Field corner.

The strength of moon sign in Leo is with us today, supporting us in a deep neural healing in regards to self-perception.
We are beginning to awaken to our own self-perception or self-reflection on our topic or issue we chose to work on in this cycle.

This has been a deep supportive healing in regards to my perceptions of self. This needs to be experienced, no cognitive association can bring in or touch the richness of the experience.

Reflection of self-revealed my most inner connections, things that are in relationship and some things that are not in relationship. Those perceptions I held out of relationship - linear thinking,
lit up in me and were the keys to an understanding that did not support my essence moving in flow. This, giving me ques to adjust my sense of self.

As I reflect out from my self-perception in alignment, the reflection meets and reflects back.
When I am in relationship, my experience of my reflection is the most beautiful and profound experience. This alignment brings a settling and a comfort, and a natural connection in flow.

Awaken Stage #02  Being Met When we first come into being as a human infant, the ideal experience that we should all have is that of "...

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