Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Life Purpose

My search in trying to find my life’s purpose ended when I started listening to the Energetic Developmental Stages of Humans.

Until the time I started the practice, I felt a discontent about who I was, and where I was going. I had a deep yearning that kept me searching for that something that would make me feel I was just in the right place, at the right time and doing the right thing – my life’s purpose. I would look out into the world and see others, and think they were happy, my thoughts running through my brain would say they’re doing good, their skills are amazing. Ever wondering will I ever be happy and content as I saw others.

The notion of wanting to feel in my place - my life’s purpose, was ever pulling me off course and the feeling of discontent stayed with me. This had me reading self-help books, and trying shamanism. Yet, it did not bring me any closer to my life’s purpose.

Following my instincts, I started the practice of listening to the developmental stages, and it brought me to my senses, allowing me to experience my purpose in my daily life. Each of the days I listened, I felt the comfort and warmth of being held and gently guided. I experienced within me an awakening to a new level of who I am and who I was meant to be. This practice has moved me from ever searching to being settled with who I am. I’m ever in gratitude and appreciation at the growth and strength I gain each day.

As a mentor, I genuinely support those who feel the calling to listen to the Developmental Stages of Humans and are ready to have a sense of their life’s purpose.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

The healings received from listening to The 13 Energetic Developmental Stages of Humans

    The healings received from listening to The 13 Energetic Developmental Stages of Humans

As I contemplated what to blog about, I decided to look in my journal that I write in for the Stage and day of the stage I have listened to. As I read in my journal from earlier this year of 2017, I noticed a pattern. I was being affected often by what someone said to me or their action towards me! I have been listening to Stage 9 day 4 for a month now. I had not looked back through my journal a month ago but my sensing was that I needed to listen to this practice for awhile.
 At the end of the practice, Kiera offers; " This is also one of those neuro healings that if you have had one of the above, Kiera mentioned; an over response to the intensity of others or a hypo adrenal response when things happen, you could do this meditation, this particular day, this particular lunar cycle, you could do it every day for 3 or 4 months to begin to bring consistent change in the structure and the signaling in your brain."
 I have had both of these neuro problems in relationship to others most of my life. Reading through my journal from the past month of listening to Stage 9 day 4, I am already seeing a change with these 2 responses to others!
These daily practices in The 13 Energetic Developmental Stages of Humans are only 10-16 minutes long, so little time of my day to receive the healings to be able to re-sync with what is!

Monday, May 8, 2017

Anxiety, Depression, You and the Stages

Loss of Connection 

Major Depression and Anxiety are among the most common mental issues in America, over
21% of adults (42.5 million) are affected by anxiety and more than 16 million of American adults are affected by major depression each year.

In my sensing and seeing through Embodiment I stand in my knowing of What Is..
I write out of my grief of my knowing that humans currently do not have connection or 
communication to a reflection of self container. If we do not have this container there is 
no reflection of who we are as energetic  beings and we are out of communication with our photon light of our soul essence which is the very coding of our DNA. 

The Image of the Rose in a glass container reflects to us the state that humans are currently in, it reflects a sense of disconnect. The rose is no longer whole, it has been removed from and is out of communication with it's whole self the rose plant. Without communication and connection to the  rose plant the rose flower cannot sustain itself for very long and eventually will die off. Unfortunately humans feel this lack or void from within their own selves also, there is a lack of connection and just as the rose flower senses and knows it so do us humans.Just as a rose plant establishes itself in connection and communication to earth it also is in communication with it's own essence it's own code with itself always communicating as a rose always in synch with it's knowing of itself and expressing itself as such. The same is true for all humans,  all souls have to have a point of origin a beginning point within time and space in communication with their own photon light. If this is not established within us there will be a void  that we feel and the void  always comes from not being connected and communicating with our soul essence and connected to our pt. of origin. This loss of connection creates a void within and from out of that void depression , anxiety, ill health and much more  eludes us.   

In Reflective Relationship in communication w/Self

As we walk the 13 Energetic Awaken Cycles they awaken us to our soul essence energy, our connection to Earth, and our eight vortexes(energetic centers) establishing our pt. of origin within human form. As we Energetically Develop we come to know our purpose through time and space through soul orientation. we cannot know our purpose unless we first know the position of our soul essence in time and space. The Cycles will slowly heal the four major energetic systems in the body (Sensing System, Body Energy System, Neural System and the Soul Essence Gathering), allowing the unseen energies to heal and flow through our fascia and nerves. We then are able to sense the energy that creates our health and life. Once again connected to our pt. of origin in communication with our soul essence ever   gathering our  photon light filling the void within our selves as we awaken once again to who we are and claim our rightful positions as humans. Allowing us to have a deeper sense of self as we reestablish our connection through a reflective container. 

If you have battled with depression or anxiety in some shape or form and if your soul knows somewhere that you are an energetic being and would like to reestablish  connection to your soul pt. of origin and desires to have ultimate communication through the human form then go to  
and begin your energetic development. 
 Ever Evolving, Candace Bollon

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Awaken 05 Seeds of Passion and Position

This labyrinth allows for the awakening of our heart's desire, as an everflowing, deeper and deeper connection to what is- our desire flows from this connection and fuels the connection. The underlying principle in this labyrinth is our ability to transform to obtain our heart's desire.

Day 27  In this day the starform supports us in balancing serotonin

Before we move any further it is good to know what serotonin is and how it affects us.
According to  an article written by James McIntosh and reviewed by Dr.Helen Webberley :  Serotonin is an important chemical neurotransmitter in the human body it is regarded by some researchers as a chemical that is responsible for maintaining mood balance and that deficit of serotonin leads to depression.
It  is thought that serotonin can affect mood and social behavior, appetite and digestion, sleep, memory and sexual desire and function. So we can begin to understand the importance of having balanced serotonin and how it would prevent us from creating our hearts desire.

But the GOOD NEWS is walking the stages and being in the energy of the starform automatically starts healing this within us!!

Walking Day 27:   Starform   (Aries,Taurus, Solar Winds, Flux Field of earth)

Aries supports us in neuro healing, the balancing of our serotonin the excitatory and inhibitory. If these are not balanced in bringing hearts desire into form we will overly attach or associate to the wrong things. If they are not in association with one of the aspects of creation.
 As we move in the neuro path in relationship to others.... Releasing any fear of creation. We begin settling into the creation energy of the sea. As I am with this I feel tension in the back of my head release and my brain begins to adjust as I release. As I Inhale up into my head I feel a support in my head as I sense the energy of the starform balancing my serotonin. The sensation it gives is if you had a pressure in your head  and it begins to release and you start getting relief.  Meeting the starform energy it is ever gentle and moves into me like a wave allowing the creation energy,energy of others and the starform to support neuro pathways to heal,  I feel calm and relaxed like just floating in water. I feel the affects that the starform energy has on me as it releases and balances. 

Being able to heal myself in such a deep way means the world to me. I don't have to rely on going to doctors and taking the next newest prescribed antidepressant. I simply remain in the starform of the day and my body receives the energy it needs to balance and heal so I may transform to obtain my hearts desire.

If this has moved you in some way today I encourage you to begin your energetic development and start your journey into body so you to may create and obtain your hearts desire.

Ever Evolving,  Candace

Sunday, January 15, 2017


After months of trying to identify and recognize the container of the star form, one day it happened... This is my experience.

Container is a feeling of well-being, peace, tranquility, calm.  Like a baby, wrapped up in mothers arms; safe, secure, comfortable.  It's almost like there is a storm outside, but you're in a safe shelter, like an insect in a cocoon, tucked away from the chaos outside.  You are aware of it, but you feel such contentment, that the storm doesn't bother you.  You are untouchable.  

~ Gia

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Awaken Stage 01 Soul Self Entry

Day 10

In order to have a good relationship beyond who we are, we must first establish a relationship with ourself. Alot of us don't even know what that is because we have never been able to acquire such a thing. I remember many times before I started to energetically develop of crying but I had no idea of why I was crying, I just knew something wasn't right within myself it makes me sad to think that I was so out of relationship with myself that i couldn't determine what was wrong. This Awaken Stage allows our soul to move deep so we can be in body. There are many things that we are not even aware of that keeps our soul from moving in. When we can connect and communicate with our soul essence their is a huge settling that happens, we may find that we can sleep better, or that our anxiousness disipates or even pain in the body goes away.

Today is supported by Aries-Moon Sign, Capricorn-Sun Sign, flux fields , solar winds of earth
 We walk it in relationship to other

Supported today in releasing 3 aspects that are kept in place by the energy of others that keeps us from Soul Self Entry
I open to the starform allowing fear to be released as the starform teaches me! I become aware of my relationships with others that has kept me from my soul self entry.
Releasing the affects of others as I move and walk I am allowed to be with my own body energy. Soul Self Entry is fueled.

As I continue walking my path releasing into the starform I can sense that manipulation of others is one of the energies of others that has  kept me from entering my body. Which makes sense because I have always been manipulated by others in my life!

Becoming aware is huge if we are ever to make change in our life and being able to move past the energies of others that keeps me from soul self entry will allow me to have a true relationship with myself.

          Ever Evolving, Candace

Monday, January 2, 2017

Awaken 6 - Reflective Relationship

Hello All,

Today, I listened to Day 6 of the Awaken 6 cycle and what stood out for me was seeing the reflection of the Human Field, the sadness, despair, violence and disease around us .  As I continue with my energetic development another gift from the 13 stages is the ability to differentiate the truth from the lie and to begin to understand and experience the beauty of reflective relationship.

After living for decades (and several past life times) in the world that the Human Field has created, it took me some time to develop energetically before I could see through the field to the truth.  The coping mechanisms that I once used to silence the world we live in have begun to fall away. I no longer follow the path leading to a dead end.  My energetic development and the gathering of my soul essence has made me stronger and feeling complete.  I feel confident that as I continue to develop I will navigate the world much better, come into relationship  with all that is around me and be fortunate to experience the beauty of reflective relationship.

Please join us on this amazing journey.

In Reflection,

Colleen Mayer

7th Cycle: Being - Soul Solidarity

Started the 7th Developmental stage today – “Soul Solidarity”. Here is the description ( from the website:

The seventh labyrinth is one stage that must be mastered or our soul will be ever at risk of being led astray. Like the 7th Vortex, this 7th stage is most vulnerable to energetic information that would bind us to something other than soul essence. Humans first bonded to the northern sky, which (for 10,000 years) has made us vulnerable to the loss of our soul solidarity. Walk and claim your connection through soul essence, not a guru, religious philosophy, or popular fad, like drugs, because most don't know or understand the path to energetic being without manipulating the energy.”

I felt very calm and contained when I completed this first day. It’s nice to be reminded that the star form is with us day and night as we are creating change.

  I’ve decided to walk this cycle on the topic of “Completeness”. The definition of Complete is “having all parts or elements; lacking nothing; whole; entire; full”. I like the sound of that and it seems like a good topic for me at this point in my life.

At the end of the recording, Kiera reminds us that as we live in flow, we are creating change day and night and that we should keep an Awaken Cycle Journal as an anchor or record of the journey. This is my third time walking this stage and I always find it interesting to look back at my journals or notes from the first time I walked this stage to see how far I have come or just how differently I see things now.

Awaken Stage #02  Being Met When we first come into being as a human infant, the ideal experience that we should all have is that of ...

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