Loss of Connection
Major Depression and Anxiety are among the most common mental issues in America, over
21% of adults (42.5 million) are affected by anxiety and more than 16 million of American adults are affected by major depression each year.
In my sensing and seeing through Embodiment I stand in my knowing of What Is..
I write out of my grief of my knowing that humans currently do not have connection or
communication to a reflection of self container. If we do not have this container there is
no reflection of who we are as energetic beings and we are out of communication with our photon light of our soul essence which is the very coding of our DNA.
The Image of the Rose in a glass container reflects to us the state that humans are currently in, it reflects a sense of disconnect. The rose is no longer whole, it has been removed from and is out of communication with it's whole self the rose plant. Without communication and connection to the rose plant the rose flower cannot sustain itself for very long and eventually will die off. Unfortunately humans feel this lack or void from within their own selves also, there is a lack of connection and just as the rose flower senses and knows it so do us humans.Just as a rose plant establishes itself in connection and communication to earth it also is in communication with it's own essence it's own code with itself always communicating as a rose always in synch with it's knowing of itself and expressing itself as such. The same is true for all humans, all souls have to have a point of origin a beginning point within time and space in communication with their own photon light. If this is not established within us there will be a void that we feel and the void always comes from not being connected and communicating with our soul essence and connected to our pt. of origin. This loss of connection creates a void within and from out of that void depression , anxiety, ill health and much more eludes us.
In Reflective Relationship in communication w/Self
As we walk the 13 Energetic Awaken Cycles they awaken us to our soul essence energy, our connection to Earth, and our eight vortexes(energetic centers) establishing our pt. of origin within human form. As we Energetically Develop we come to know our purpose through time and space through soul orientation. we cannot know our purpose unless we first know the position of our soul essence in time and space. The Cycles will slowly heal the four major energetic systems in the body (Sensing System, Body Energy System, Neural System and the Soul Essence Gathering), allowing the unseen energies to heal and flow through our fascia and nerves. We then are able to sense the energy that creates our health and life. Once again connected to our pt. of origin in communication with our soul essence ever gathering our photon light filling the void within our selves as we awaken once again to who we are and claim our rightful positions as humans. Allowing us to have a deeper sense of self as we reestablish our connection through a reflective container.
If you have battled with depression or anxiety in some shape or form and if your soul knows somewhere that you are an energetic being and would like to reestablish connection to your soul pt. of origin and desires to have ultimate communication through the human form then go to energeticdevelopment.org
and begin your energetic development.
Ever Evolving, Candace Bollon
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