"The excitement of this Awakened Labyrinth (like life) is similar to the
beginning of a carnival ride..."
- Kiera D. Laike
In this stage I journaled about what I experienced while walking each day; emotionally, energetically, physically, and cognitively. Many intense emotions emerged during this labyrinth and I also began waking up to many realizations in my life. As I reread my journal entries from this awaken stage I see the bigger picture of where I was in my development and I truly see how exciting a time it was for me. In those moments I reflected in my journal that it felt like I was in a storm and absolutely relate this to a carnival ride. In the Relationship to Self corner I wrote;
"A03 - Day 15:
Frustration, today the storm may not pass... Being within the Starform, soon the storm will pass... Delayed gratification."
The storm did pass! Having never learned to hold or experience boundaries before walking Awaken 03 I felt many fears and frustrations. It was, and still is hard for me to face how and why I have gotten hurt in life (emotionally, physically, etc.), but being in the Starform gives me the support and reflection I need to move through and find the point of origin for each experience. Once I know this I can understand why certain things transpired and I am able to release them. Another entry:
"I felt my position on the path of today. And all those fears and frustrations and confusions were quieted with the knowing that I had moved through, contained in the star form, in communication with my essence."
"Sinking into and trusting the star form brings about a peace and nurturing with my essence.
My breath has been moving with the practice more now and I notice that when I'm fully with the star form it improves.
I've sensed the reflection of my essence as it emerges from the flow of creation, I sense my perceptions of others strongly and feel my containers. This is translated in a way that I feel stronger as a person and more capable of holding my ground in conflicting situations with my essence."
Looking back now I see how far I have come and am so happy that I have stayed with my development! I am also saddened by how I have suffered over the years and grieve all the experiences I could have prevented had I learned how to energetically develop. Then I would have had my energetic containers and boundaries.
We are naturally meant to learn and develop energetically as humans, but our DNA's ability to evolve and our development as energetic beings has been influenced and misdirected over thousands of years. Walking the 13 Energetic Developmental Stages has moved me through the awakening process and continues to bring me back into my ability to evolve and develop energetically, ever supporting me in all aspects of my life.
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