Saturday, September 10, 2016

Awaken 06 Reflective Relationship

Awaken 06- Reflective Relationship Day 10

Today as I  write about my experience I have alot of sadness that us humans don't have this Reflective Relationship and we don't even know what it is exactly we are not born into a container that reflects this to us. In human relationships we know manipulation, jealousy, and we are used everyday to give over a part of our selves because there isn't reflective relationship. In this lifetime I have been manipulated like so many that if you want to be "loved" then I had to turn myself over to someone that misused me never respected me and gave me false support. Being so wrapped up in that way of "love" it left me very sad, never feeling good enough and I remained empty and always pleasing others. Walking this labrynth awakens me to being in  Reflective Relationship

The Starform that I meet today is Sun sign Gemini, Moon sign Virgo, flux fields, solar winds.
Body energy opens and meets the starform I always seem to have to release grief of meeting the starform because this is true support.  Working with my nero pathways supported by the starform i move and Reflective pool fills as I release down I am balanced my grounding begins to clear and balance itself. I am met with Gama Virginius  I reflect to Gama Virginius, My body energy still pool reflects and Gamma Virginius reflects back to me. As the reflection comes in like a gentle wave it feels gentle, kind helping me to know and understand reflection  it is very comforting, there is a longing deep inside to be here and know. As it reflects to me it awakens me to Reflection. sensing Gama Virginius I am gently spoken to not by words but through an energetic wave of information and in my Soul Self I understand this gentle loving way that I have so longed for.
             Awakening to Reflective Relationship feeling accepted and truely cared for being filled deep inside that words cannot express. Deep gratitude for this reflection allowing me to be filled with understanding and knowing of true reflection and being with .

In my awakening,  Candace 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post. I really relate to your experience of turning yourself over to people that disrespect and use you in order to receive "Love". It felt good to be reminded the start form offers us true support and a path to what we long for.


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