Blogs are written by students of Human Energetic Development(Sensology). Sensology takes humans beyond science, religion, self-help, philosophy, and new age enlightenment to develop their organized structures of human photon light in human body form. Each bloggers journey has been unique, yet resulted in positive change. The core of change emerged from a diligent study and practice of the 13 Energetic and Developmental Stages of Humans.
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Stage 1 Soul Self Entry
When I first began walking the labyrinth of Stage 1 Soul Self Entry, I had a cognitive idea of what that might mean. However, it cannot be understood through our typical cognitive process which we attempt to utilize to understand the world around us. Walking the energetic development stages is a completely different experience than any other, and at first it was confusing as I tried to understand it in a "normal" human way. I knew, however, that I could trust the process of walking the stages, as my life had already been taking such a transformative journey through my work with Kiera as her student. The experience of allowing our body to receive our soul essence is a very joyful one; and can also bring up grief about the loss of our ability to do so. Moving through the stages has facilitated my ability to flow with life's experiences, regardless of the ups and downs of life, and meet them with a calm knowing that I am centered within my own soul essence. Welcome to the journey!
Awaken 02: Taking Form and Being Met
"Being Met determines the energetic core that the personality forms around. It also ultimately determines our ability to self reference." - Kiera D. Laike, IRW
Awaken 02: Day 18
Walking the Soul Essence Path in the Energetic Body States Corner of Day 18 was a day of great relaxation and support, moving from my path of yesterday where I released my cognitive focus and just danced with my soul essence sensing. At first, a little confusion did come up and I had a hard time breathing with the practice - especially when moving from exhale to pause - but as I kept walking, releasing confusion, and being relaxed, my breath and practice moved into a sweet and calm rhythm. Charging the governor vessel (back) and conception vessel (front). Relaxed and supported.
Sometimes when I walk I sense and know that the energy is creating change, and that it will take time to emerge in real time and real world experiences. In walking Awaken 02, I realized how cognitive thought is the result of energy at work long before the thought arrives. Through this knowing I worked on releasing cognitive awareness and focused on settling into my practice and the star forms. Often times I felt confused, and unsure of what would happen next. As I continued to trust and be in the star form, I began to sense and feel a shift within me. Most of the time I could not put into words what I was feeling or experiencing in my practice, and often I would cry and release strong emotions as they emerged. This was a beautiful and cleansing experience.
The issue I worked on during Awaken 02 was self judgment and having compassion for myself. Self judgment weighed heavy on me as thoughts that were the result of energy not in affinity with my essence set in motion long before, leading to the creation of those judgmental thoughts. As I came to understand this, I continued to be compassionate towards myself and patient with my practice. This was not easy! But I could feel the relationship I have with myself building.
The support of walking Awaken 02 and the work of gathering my essence continues to emerge and create change in my life. I have since moved into the next Awaken Stage and now, when these judgmental thoughts emerge, I am able to sense that they are not a part of my essence. This ability to recognize the difference has given me space to understand the origin of these thoughts and has moved me much closer to my essence, free of judgment.
💜 Sarah
Monday, February 8, 2016
Awaken Cycle 1
The first time I experienced Soul Self Entry Stage in December of 2011, I felt both excited and nervous. I was not sure what I would experience but I knew I wanted to try.Four years later after walking the stages a few times, my experience with them has become invaluable!
I would like to share day 22, neuro path in the human field corner. The inward path releasing to the 4 winds. In communication with my deep feelings and the 4 winds hear me. Such relief to be able to communicate and feel safe! I take in the 4 winds, they fill my core until I can gather! I have suffered with anxieties most of my life and now I finally find safety!
Welcome! Thank you for allowing me to share my experience with you.
I would like to share day 22, neuro path in the human field corner. The inward path releasing to the 4 winds. In communication with my deep feelings and the 4 winds hear me. Such relief to be able to communicate and feel safe! I take in the 4 winds, they fill my core until I can gather! I have suffered with anxieties most of my life and now I finally find safety!
Welcome! Thank you for allowing me to share my experience with you.
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Awaken Cycle 1, Day 15 - Soul Self Entry
Day 15 of the first awaken cycle brought up a lot of strong feelings for me - first of grief, and then as the practice continued, of a deep sense of comfort, rest, and settling.
The support of releasing stress and attachment to past traumas at first led my awareness to lingering "stuck" feelings: grief, pain, and contraction that my system was holding on to, left over from traumas in my life both big and small. As I focused on releasing these through the practice, sensations came up for me, as well as memories, but as I continued listening and working with my breath and the support of Kiera's voice and the statements of intention for the day, the sting started to leave these hurting places, and I began to feel more at ease and at peace.
Around the time that I was going through the midpoint of the first Awaken cycle, I also noticed my digestion starting to improve. I have tended to have intestinal problems and discomfort throughout my life, but at this point, those started getting a lot better.
A lot has changed for me as I've been going through this process of Energetic Development, but I chose day 15 to write about because it was really special to me, and quite profound. It brought me a lot of comfort and peace, and I hope it can bring the same to you.
The support of releasing stress and attachment to past traumas at first led my awareness to lingering "stuck" feelings: grief, pain, and contraction that my system was holding on to, left over from traumas in my life both big and small. As I focused on releasing these through the practice, sensations came up for me, as well as memories, but as I continued listening and working with my breath and the support of Kiera's voice and the statements of intention for the day, the sting started to leave these hurting places, and I began to feel more at ease and at peace.
Around the time that I was going through the midpoint of the first Awaken cycle, I also noticed my digestion starting to improve. I have tended to have intestinal problems and discomfort throughout my life, but at this point, those started getting a lot better.
A lot has changed for me as I've been going through this process of Energetic Development, but I chose day 15 to write about because it was really special to me, and quite profound. It brought me a lot of comfort and peace, and I hope it can bring the same to you.
Awaken Cycle 01 - Soul Self-Entry
I share with you my experience of walking the labyrinth. This
experience, as many are, was one of the
moments of finding who I was and how to be with what comes up. Each path is
unique as each day is a new experience, keeping me in rhythm, teaching me, as
one path builds upon another.
Here is one of my experiences I share with you in Soul
I sit in my
practice, the voice file started, I listen, I’m feeling supported. This path is
focusing on the heart as a sensing container and clearing past understanding of
the heart - the heart as a pump. I’m finding it’s so ingrained in me. I feel
the pressure; the illusion is pressing in on me. I realize I have not given myself a chance to allow
and experience those emotions I have held tightly. I’m feeling paralyzed by my
emotions yet I continue the practice. Did I ever think it would be otherwise
until now? I open up to the possibility and find I accepted being at my
crossroad and there could be another way of understanding it.
I go back
and remember being supported as I had in the beginning. I can be with it and
still feel the parts of me, my nervousness, my thoughts running. I’m feeling my
own resistance. My mind takes a stand - I want so much to move forward and transform.
I realize I have not given myself a chance to feel those
emotions I have held tightly. I’m feeling paralyzed yet I continue the
practice. Then something within me shifts as I listen more intently to Kiera’s
voice, and allow the words to wash over me. Now being with the practice I am
able to relax in to it. My nervousness melts away as does the tension. I come
towards the end of the practice, my thoughts have shifted and now I can allow
myself to be with the awaken cycle path I’m in and allow it to teach me.
Since doing the awaken stages my journey of self-discovery,
through my soul essence sphere and organized containers has brought me to an
incredible place in my life, awakening me to see my paralyzed states that were
a stopping point I made in my life. I had put up walls so I didn’t feel, not
letting myself connect with my emotions, turning in to a repeating scenario
that kept me from experiencing life. My frozen paralyzed states of meeting
information over time have shifted. I’m able to experience and be with life, shifting
and releasing what has constricted me and held me at bay. I’m finding joy in my
changes as I stand and face what’s before me, following the flow in my life.
The meeting and the knowing of who I am and meant to be
outweighs the challenges that lay before me. With each cycle walked the
stronger I get and what it means to be embodied with organized energy in my
containers here on earth between Earth and Sky.
I am grateful to have this opportunity to share my
journey in Soul-Self Entry and I welcome and support you in yours.
Denise Bigelow
Monday, February 1, 2016
Awaken Cycle 1, Day 6
In support of anyone that has chosen to walk also, I'd like to share my experience with you reflecting to you my souls journey of walking and the true life experiences and changes that have occurred due to energetically developing.
Today as I am in the support of the starform I move in charging in the quaderant of relationship to self in the body energy layer of the labrinth as I wait and charge to get as full of sense of myself as I can. Working with each finger as I charge I work with my pinky charging and accepting what the small little movements of the fascia and muscles are reflecting back to me and are teaching me about myself. As I walk I move I am now working with my ring finger charging to better understand what my body was told about who I am- as I move and work through I sense the information and understand that I feel that I was nothing, sensing the intensity of the emotions I work to release anything that comes forward. Walking and now working with my pointer in communication of the perception about what my body energy is telling me- in my sensing I feel that I'm not worth it as I am with this perception grief fills every part of me releasing grief and allowing my body to be with my sensing as I keep moving and releasing fear of bodys sense of self I can feel this release and am able to move forward feeling relieved.There is also a knowing and understanding that comes to me and as I relese fear the intesity releases also. Being held in the container of the starform I can sense the support in my feet acknowledging it and allowing the support I sense the surge of support move in my feet up my legs supporting my pelvis and back as I am being supported in this energetic starform it holds me as it supports me in awakening and supporting change. I sense the container and I feel cuddled, safe, and am at ease as I allow my body to communicate to the starform and the starform to communicate to my body.
I have support and am feeling very happy. Even through out the day I acknowledge the starform and again embrace the support knowing change is occurring.
Today as I am in the support of the starform I move in charging in the quaderant of relationship to self in the body energy layer of the labrinth as I wait and charge to get as full of sense of myself as I can. Working with each finger as I charge I work with my pinky charging and accepting what the small little movements of the fascia and muscles are reflecting back to me and are teaching me about myself. As I walk I move I am now working with my ring finger charging to better understand what my body was told about who I am- as I move and work through I sense the information and understand that I feel that I was nothing, sensing the intensity of the emotions I work to release anything that comes forward. Walking and now working with my pointer in communication of the perception about what my body energy is telling me- in my sensing I feel that I'm not worth it as I am with this perception grief fills every part of me releasing grief and allowing my body to be with my sensing as I keep moving and releasing fear of bodys sense of self I can feel this release and am able to move forward feeling relieved.There is also a knowing and understanding that comes to me and as I relese fear the intesity releases also. Being held in the container of the starform I can sense the support in my feet acknowledging it and allowing the support I sense the surge of support move in my feet up my legs supporting my pelvis and back as I am being supported in this energetic starform it holds me as it supports me in awakening and supporting change. I sense the container and I feel cuddled, safe, and am at ease as I allow my body to communicate to the starform and the starform to communicate to my body.
I have support and am feeling very happy. Even through out the day I acknowledge the starform and again embrace the support knowing change is occurring.
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