Thursday, February 25, 2016

Awaken 02: Taking Form and Being Met

  "Being Met determines the energetic core that the personality forms around. It also ultimately determines our ability to self reference." - Kiera D. Laike, IRW

Awaken 02: Day 18

Walking the Soul Essence Path in the Energetic Body States Corner of Day 18 was a day of great relaxation and support, moving from my path of yesterday where I released my cognitive focus and just danced with my soul essence sensing. At first, a little confusion did come up and I had a hard time breathing with the practice - especially when moving from exhale to pause - but as I kept walking, releasing confusion, and being relaxed, my breath and practice moved into a sweet and calm rhythm. Charging the governor vessel (back) and conception vessel (front). Relaxed and supported.

Sometimes when I walk I sense and know that the energy is creating change, and that it will take time to emerge in real time and real world experiences. In walking Awaken 02, I realized how cognitive thought is the result of energy at work long before the thought arrives. Through this knowing I worked on releasing cognitive awareness and focused on settling into my practice and the star forms. Often times I felt confused, and unsure of what would happen next. As I continued to trust and be in the star form, I began to sense and feel a shift within me. Most of the time I could not put into words what I was feeling or experiencing in my practice, and often I would cry and release strong emotions as they emerged. This was a beautiful and cleansing experience.

The issue I worked on during Awaken 02 was self judgment and having compassion for myself. Self judgment weighed heavy on me as thoughts that were the result of energy not in affinity with my essence set in motion long before, leading to the creation of those judgmental thoughts. As I came to understand this, I continued to be compassionate towards myself and patient with my practice. This was not easy! But I could feel the relationship I have with myself building.

The support of walking Awaken 02 and the work of gathering my essence continues to emerge and create change in my life. I have since moved into the next Awaken Stage and now, when these judgmental thoughts emerge, I am able to sense that they are not a part of my essence. This ability to recognize the difference has given me space to understand the origin of these thoughts and has moved me much closer to my essence, free of judgment.

💜 Sarah 

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Awaken Stage #02  Being Met When we first come into being as a human infant, the ideal experience that we should all have is that of ...

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