Monday, February 1, 2016

Awaken Cycle 1, Day 6

   In support of anyone that has chosen to walk also, I'd like to share my experience with you reflecting to you my souls journey of walking and the true life experiences and changes that have occurred due to energetically developing.

Today as I am in the support of the starform I move in charging in the quaderant of relationship to self in the body energy layer of the labrinth as I wait and charge to get as full of sense of myself as I can. Working with each finger as I charge I work with my pinky charging and accepting what the small little movements of the fascia and muscles are reflecting back to me and are teaching me about myself. As I walk I move I am now working with my ring finger charging to better understand what my  body was told about who I am- as I move and work through I sense the information and understand that I feel that I was nothing, sensing the intensity of the emotions I work to release anything that comes forward. Walking and now working with my pointer in communication of the perception about what my body energy is telling me- in my sensing I feel that I'm not worth it as I am with this perception grief fills every part of me releasing grief and allowing my body to be with my sensing as I keep moving and releasing fear of  bodys sense of self I can feel this release and am able to move forward feeling relieved.There is also a knowing and understanding that comes to me and as I relese fear the intesity releases also. Being held in the container of the starform I can sense the support in my feet acknowledging it and allowing the support I sense the surge of support move in my feet up my legs supporting my pelvis and back as I am being supported in this energetic starform it holds me as it supports me in awakening and supporting change. I sense the container and I feel cuddled, safe, and am at ease as I allow my body to communicate to the starform and the starform to communicate to my body.
I have support and am feeling very happy. Even through out the day I acknowledge the starform and again embrace the support knowing change is occurring.

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