Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Awaken 07 Being-The Soul Solidarity Stage 7 Day 1

Kiera describes the 7th awakened Labyrinth is one stage that must be mastered or our soul is ever at risk of being led astray. Like the 7th Vortex this the stage is most vulnerable to energetic information that would bind us to something other than our soul essence.
I had been "stumbling around" for many years, ever searching for something that I was not sure of what I was looking for but I felt the void in my life. When I met Kiera 11 years ago, I knew immediately this practice was what I was searching for. It took me awhile to start taking the Basic Practice Classes. Once I started, my soul knew I had found what I had been searching for most of my life!  I do have days when I feel pushed in on from energies/philosophies that would like to add confusion into my life and take from the knowing that I am an energetic being, I stay in the Star Form and in my practice  knowing that I don't have to loose my connection through soul essence as an energetic being! I see the sadness around me every day of those who have been blinded by the light, their soul knows  they are energetic beings, they are in need of Journey into Form: Soul Self-Entry! I know that I must get stronger in offering energetic development!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

4TH Moon Cycle Day#19

Moon Sign in Sagittarius Sun sign in Aires; Inward soul essence path in relation to self corner.
Connecting with the energy of the Lagoon Nebula and awakening to the perception from the aspect of soul essence.

Settling deeply and easily from a relatively scattered space, I notice the vastness of the shift from the intrusion of the human field to a settling into my soul essence being.  The comfort and deep peace fills all the cells of my body and my perceptions are, in turn, bathed by the knowing and sensing of my soul essence.  Thus replacing the intrusive "perceptions" (i.e., distortions) by the off-balancing we are subjected to by the human field.  I in turn look forward to a day filled with grace and ease, knowing I will be able to be with my true self, my soul essence, and not be thrown off by that which is not truth.  Thus my perceptions are clear and true and I move in flow.

I feel the contact, the "meeting" of the energy of the Laguna Nebula as a very comforting and energizing force.  The gathering of my soul essence energy feels very powerful, stronger than ever.

**Follow-up: The day was experienced as a very "flowing" day; felt no struggling or doubting.  All that walking this day of this stage had promised!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Awaken 07 - Day 11

Awaken 07 - Being Soul Solidarity

Day 11 of Being Soul Solidarity helped me to become more of aware of the Star Form, getting a strong sense and feel of it.  I happened to be learning a new position at work around this time and was experiencing some challenges (generally the result of an old computer system).  On this particular day I was beginning to feel a little anxious and remembered to settle into the Star Form.   I then felt calmer and the computer issue worked out making my day go smoothly.  Since then I have been more conscious of the comfort the Star Form gives us when we remember to stay in it.

Friday, November 4, 2016


The other day I was listening to a friend’s playlist and a song called “somebody” came on. While listening to the inspiring lyrics and singer I woke up to the devolution of the assignment of meaning to words.

I realized that now a days people think being somebody is a good thing. We hear it all the time, “I want to be somebody … (when I grow up, important, inspiring, etc.).” But the truth is, striving to be somebody has devolved us so far from the magnificence of who we truly could be.

Merriam-Webster defines somebody as; a person who is not known, named, or specified. One or some person of unspecified or indefinite identity.

Somewhere along the way we lost sight of the importance of being and knowing precisely who we are.

Use of language in culture continues to pull us out of relationship with ourselves. Just like the assigned meaning of “somebody” was distorted to be portrayed as something desirable - similar to how barbie dolls are now staged as models on makeup commercials for young girls - misguiding people away from who they are to become an unknown, unnamed, indefinitely unidentified person… talk about identity crisis.
Merriam-Webster definition of identity crisis; personal psychosocial conflict especially in adolescence that involves confusion about one’s social role and often a sense of loss of continuity to one’s personality.

“Some” body in embodied practice means that we are without our complete energetic development. This leaves us only partially with our body and our knowing of who we are, ever longing to complete our development. The devolved assignment of the meaning of “somebody” pulls us down a path of desiring and searching to be “somebody” other than who we are, rather than fully taking form in who we are and expressing ourselves completely – becoming embodied.

Your individual energetic development is a natural process that brings you into a complete relationship with who you are. This process of becoming embodied is unlike any other practice because it connects you to who you are across time and space.                                                                   
Sign up at www.energeticdevelopment.org and begin your journey through the 13 Energetic and Developmental Stages of Humans.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Awaken 07 Being, The Soul Solidarity

Being, The Soul Solidarity   Awaken 07
 Day 5

Today is actually a healing for the Neuoral Pathways, being in the starform support of moon sign Leo
sun sign- cancer, flux fields, and solar winds .
being in the  human field corner the energy that humans have placed on Leo, so we are at risk of sacraficing today on a nero level in order to facilitate someone elses completing whats important to them. So being in the Starform today is important it provides us with the true support of Leo. Dopamine and Norepinephrine balance when they are protected.

Dopamine is involved in emotional responses, Norepinephrine has been implicated in maintaining arousal (awakening from deep sleep) dreaming, and regulating mood.

Today as I am with the support of the starform I am with feeling my connection to earth- becoming settled and grounded my heart feels at ease and I feel unity as I sense earths energy in my feet and in my legs supporting my structure and my heart feels supported and strong. I feel my connection to self and perceive my positon, In my heart I sense and know I am supported and I am content. With my nero pathways I sense myself more and nero pathways are able to move.
Starform communicating with my nero pathways Dopamine and Norepinephrine respond to the connection. I feel cradled and calm as I am with the support of the energy of the starform.
Nero healing takes place today as I stay in the starform this helps with not getting lost in addictions or lost in the summer sky or lose ourselves to other peoples desires.
Dopamine and Norepinephrine respond to the settle energy of the starform.
Allowing myself to stay supported with my soul essence and on my own path not getting lost.

How easy it is to get pulled into others desires if we are not supported in ourselves.

                   Ever Gathering, Candace

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Stage 6 Day18: Reflective Relationship

Kiera recorded Stage 6 Day 18 on June 6, 2012. I was drawn to write about this awakened cycle because on June 6, 2016 my business Teaching Sphere LLC was approved!
It was suggested by Kiera after I finished the 13 Developmental Stages the first time to listen to them over again, that no matter the date in real time they would still apply.
Stage 6 Day 18 was recorded in the energy of Full moon in Capricorn, inward outward inward soul essence path in relationship to self corner. Today we walk free of the energetic influence of the human field interpretation of Capricorn. We soar and gather in pure connection to self...
On this day 4 years after this stage and day was recorded I am grateful to see the reflection in real time!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Awaken Cycle 4 - Day 15 revisited

Because of some transitional life events (completion of my doctoral dissertation, new job, moving, etc.) I was advised to take a break on cycle 4 and return to it when I sensed the time as right to do so. I'm starting over now, from the point where I started having trouble in my last round. By trouble, I mean difficulty keeping the practice to an every day, or at least every other day schedule, and a feeling of "working hard" when listening to each recording when I did get to it.

In Awaken Cycle 4, day 15, the focus is on sensing core, and sensing the human field. Creating the ability to distinguish between the two. This feels like it's really helping to maintain a sense of connected self in the midst of all of the influence of the human field around me. Things like culture, media, other people's expectations and energetic influences, and so on. For much of my life, this has been a challenge for me, where I have had a tendency to take on and absorb what is around me, mirroring it in some way, and losing a connection to myself. It's something that I've noticed doing this practice has had a big effect on, in terms of reducing my sense of loss of self in the face of others and the world at large.

Today's practice specifically feels like it's touching into this past vulnerability that I have had, and helping me to parse out who I am, at a soul level, from who others seem to want me to be. It seems to be strengthening the part of me that can know who I am, and maintain this connection even under whatever kind of outside pressure might be there.

As always, I'm thankful for this practice, and the support it offers. I'm looking forward to the journey it will continue to facilitate.


Awaken Cycle 06 Reflective Relationship

In Awaken 06 walking day 7, inward, outward, inward, Neural paths in Relationship to Human Field corner.

The strength of moon sign in Leo is with us today, supporting us in a deep neural healing in regards to self-perception.
We are beginning to awaken to our own self-perception or self-reflection on our topic or issue we chose to work on in this cycle.

This has been a deep supportive healing in regards to my perceptions of self. This needs to be experienced, no cognitive association can bring in or touch the richness of the experience.

Reflection of self-revealed my most inner connections, things that are in relationship and some things that are not in relationship. Those perceptions I held out of relationship - linear thinking,
lit up in me and were the keys to an understanding that did not support my essence moving in flow. This, giving me ques to adjust my sense of self.

As I reflect out from my self-perception in alignment, the reflection meets and reflects back.
When I am in relationship, my experience of my reflection is the most beautiful and profound experience. This alignment brings a settling and a comfort, and a natural connection in flow.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Stage 5: Seeds of Passion and Position

Hello Everyone,

I want to begin this writing reflecting back on the the year and half that I've been doing the stages and gaining my energetic development.  I may be repeating myself from previous blogs however I want to emphasize how powerful and life saving the stages are.  There is no fixing ourselves, no self improvement, there is only becoming whole/complete and waking up to who we are, communicating, being in releationship with what is, sensing the truth, knowing what is real and what is not.   How do you accomplish this . . . by doing the 13 stages.  The benefits are endless.

I listened to Day 1 of Stage 5 which focuses on preparing us to know our passion and heart's desire and clearing out what is false. I came into a deep knowing that doing this work and dedicating my life to making this information known and available to humanity is my heart's desire.  Since I started searching for the truth over 25 years ago I wasn't surprised that is has been a driving passion from an early age.  We all have a passion deep within us.  Our heart yearn's for our energetic development and it is our birth right.  Day 1 made me feel strong, capable, and excited to continue to grow in my development and help others do the same.

In Reflective Relationship,


Friday, September 23, 2016

Awaken Cycle 02

Day#24  Inward soul essence path in relationship to human field.
Fire energy of Sagittarius fuels us on this day to hold onto our soul essence as we face the human field.  Feeling a strong sense of support from the Star form, energy of Sagittarius, as I am connected deeply to my soul essence in my core.  As I face the day, my sensing is heightened around moments when I "go offline" and disconnect from that strong soul connection in my core.  As I re-charge the soul connection in my core throughout the day, the ability to hold on to my self in the face of heavy pressures of the human field to fall off, becomes stronger. I am aware of  the support of fire from Sagittarius when pushed on by the human field, and the strength it offers as it fuels my inner core, my soul essence.  Ever reminded of the ability to face the pressures of the human field which are very heavy right now, if I remain true to the connection of my essence at my core.  Ever grateful for the Awakening Stages for providing me the structures and containers within which to continue to strengthen this connection!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Awaken-06 Reflective Relationship

Day 23 of Reflective Relationship was very helpful to me on a physical level.  It was suggested at the end of the message to listen to this day for two to three months if you had structural issues. 

My back had bothered me for over ten years at different times.  After about four days of listening to the same message, I had the opportunity to go shopping for several hours.  Usually my back would have hurt by the time I was done and it didn’t.  I was amazed.  It was a definite sign of my back improving.  I continued to listen to this day for a little over three months.  During this time I could feel changes taking place in my back.  Sometimes I would notice improvement when doing something that would have previously bother it.  Other times it would be sore in different ways.  Some of these I believe were part of the healing taking place in my back, transforming with reflective relationship.

Maybe you’ve heard if you see a movie several times you pick up or notice new things each time.  This is an example of this for me, since I had listen to the Energetic Developmental Stages previously and but did not realize either time it was speaking to me to listen to this particular one repeatedly.  So I encourage you to enjoy the Stages and then enjoy and develop with them even more multiple times.

Cindy Harris

Awaken 03: Living in Interrelated Energetic Boundaries

"The excitement of this Awakened Labyrinth (like life) is similar to the  
beginning of a carnival ride..."  
- Kiera D. Laike

In this stage I journaled about what I experienced while walking each day; emotionally, energetically, physically, and cognitively. Many intense emotions emerged during this labyrinth and I also began waking up to many realizations in my life. As I reread my journal entries from this awaken stage I see the bigger picture of where I was in my development and I truly see how exciting a time it was for me. In those moments I reflected in my journal that it felt like I was in a storm and absolutely relate this to a carnival ride. In the Relationship to Self corner I wrote;

"A03 - Day 15:
Frustration, today the storm may not pass... Being within the Starform, soon the storm will pass... Delayed gratification."

The storm did pass! Having never learned to hold or experience boundaries before walking Awaken 03 I felt many fears and frustrations. It was, and still is hard for me to face how and why I have gotten hurt in life (emotionally, physically, etc.), but being in the Starform gives me the support and reflection I need to move through and find the point of origin for each experience. Once I know this I can understand why certain things transpired and I am able to release them. Another entry:

"I felt my position on the path of today. And all those fears and frustrations and confusions were quieted with the knowing that I had moved through, contained in the star form, in communication with my essence."

"Sinking into and trusting the star form brings about a peace and nurturing with my essence. 
My breath has been moving with the practice more now and I notice that when I'm fully with the star form it improves. 
I've sensed the reflection of my essence as it emerges from the flow of creation, I sense my perceptions of others strongly and feel my containers. This is translated in a way that I feel stronger as a person and more capable of holding my ground in conflicting situations with my essence."

Looking back now I see how far I have come and am so happy that I have stayed with my development! I am also saddened by how I have suffered over the years and grieve all the experiences I could have prevented had I learned how to energetically develop. Then I would have had my energetic containers and boundaries. 

We are naturally meant to learn and develop energetically as humans, but our DNA's ability to evolve and our development as energetic beings has been influenced and misdirected over thousands of years. Walking the 13 Energetic Developmental Stages has moved me through the awakening process and continues to bring me back into my ability to evolve and develop energetically, ever supporting me in all aspects of my life. 

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Awaken 06 Reflective Relationship

Awaken 06- Reflective Relationship Day 10

Today as I  write about my experience I have alot of sadness that us humans don't have this Reflective Relationship and we don't even know what it is exactly we are not born into a container that reflects this to us. In human relationships we know manipulation, jealousy, and we are used everyday to give over a part of our selves because there isn't reflective relationship. In this lifetime I have been manipulated like so many that if you want to be "loved" then I had to turn myself over to someone that misused me never respected me and gave me false support. Being so wrapped up in that way of "love" it left me very sad, never feeling good enough and I remained empty and always pleasing others. Walking this labrynth awakens me to being in  Reflective Relationship

The Starform that I meet today is Sun sign Gemini, Moon sign Virgo, flux fields, solar winds.
Body energy opens and meets the starform I always seem to have to release grief of meeting the starform because this is true support.  Working with my nero pathways supported by the starform i move and Reflective pool fills as I release down I am balanced my grounding begins to clear and balance itself. I am met with Gama Virginius  I reflect to Gama Virginius, My body energy still pool reflects and Gamma Virginius reflects back to me. As the reflection comes in like a gentle wave it feels gentle, kind helping me to know and understand reflection  it is very comforting, there is a longing deep inside to be here and know. As it reflects to me it awakens me to Reflection. sensing Gama Virginius I am gently spoken to not by words but through an energetic wave of information and in my Soul Self I understand this gentle loving way that I have so longed for.
             Awakening to Reflective Relationship feeling accepted and truely cared for being filled deep inside that words cannot express. Deep gratitude for this reflection allowing me to be filled with understanding and knowing of true reflection and being with .

In my awakening,  Candace 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Awaken Cycle 6, Day 5 - Reflective Relationship

Kiera talks about how we all have a part of ourselves we reflect and put out there; separate from us like the moon separated from earth that circles us and reflects back.

I feel the support of the star form. This is my third time through this stage, I recall the first and second time I did this stage – the part that was orbiting me was a very critical and unloving part of myself. The reflection that is there now feels like a more pure reflection of who I am and definitely is not critical. I think in the past I was caught up in my cognitive brain trying to make sense of what was happening to me at the time.  It was very difficult at the time to receive the reflection and I felt a lot of grief coming up. My experience this time feels more calm, grounded and solid. I have a calm knowing and sense there is not as much distortion in my reflection.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Awaken 05 Seeds of passion and position

Day 9

        Today as I walked I understood the intense role of the starform and how it is always working to support us in our development. The support that i received today was for my body energy fueled the transformation to create my hearts desire. Being in the body energy states corner of the labrinth my body energy moved deep into my core, my backline of my structure charges and it also charged the sideline of my body bringing in this charge supports the transormation. Being supported in this way allows me to transform my hearts desire to be able to bring it into form to hold it and move through this lifetime being with and creating through my hearts desire. I am always awakened to the energetic support and the sensing of the energy that is there helping me to develop, deeply feeling the energy as it charges allows me to sense and know that transformation to create hearts desire is truely taking form!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Awaken Cycle 4 - Alignment of 3 in Reflective movement - Day 17 and 18

During these days, the focus of the practice is on connecting with and taking in the potency of my soul essence - and having permission to remember who I am. For me, these days seemed like a powerful nexus of transformation. Physically, I began to feel a lot of body energy, and a sense of fullness and activation, which has been challenging to fully integrate (finding myself taking a day or two between practice sessions). However, despite these challenges to integrating my soul essence energy, I have become aware of a heightened ability to know what I want in relationship, and to advocate for what is important to me. Overall, a greater sense of self and connection to who I am.

Emotionally, I feel very affected by the taking in of my soul essence potency. I realize that this is something that I've given up or lost in various ways throughout my early life and development. Being able to take it back and find it again now is beginning to reinvigorate my sense of hope that I can create a more satisfying life, and start find my path more clearly again.

A lot of exciting things have been happening in my life around these days as well, such as the completion of my PhD process with the defense of my dissertation, during which time my parents came into town to support me. It was interesting that I found I was much more able to express my needs and desires with them than I have ever been before, and I credit that in large part to the deepening connection with myself that this practice has been bringing. I have had a tendency to be a "people pleaser" in the past, and recently I've found that I can be far more comfortable standing in my own self in situations of conflict, with the feeling of being supported by a greater "fullness" of my soul essence within my physical structure.

This practice has been challenging, but even though I'm not perfect in how I've made my way through it, I feel enriched by the development it has supported within me. My heartful thanks to its originator, Kiera, and to the practice itself.

Deepening into reflective relationship,

Friday, July 29, 2016

Awaken Cycle 05 Seeds of Passion and Position

In Awaken 05 walking day 4, inward path in Body Energy in Relationship to Human Field and inward and outward paths Relationship to Self-corner.

The first path we walk supports us in separating our hearts desire from the reflection of the heart’s desire in the human field.
Then walking the body energy paths in relationship to self-corner in these paths create a deep energetic body connection.  

I share with you my process of walking this path as I listen to the voice file -
In the pause, sinking deep in to myself I listen to the words and let them flow over me. Sinking in - knowing my heart’s desire, allowing for the communication through my sensing. Now on the inhale, again allowing the words to flow over me - separate the reflection from the human field from the core of my heart’s desire. I am not getting any cognitive associations and I feel a little beside myself … I seem to have an expectation. I acknowledge this and move on, knowing it will all be experienced deep within when the time is right.

The star within the star form supports me in knowing, releasing force. I realize with my expectation I am forcing an outcome that is not aligned or in flow. This confirms what I am experiencing. I’m coming to terms with what I have been holding on to. Within the star form I am feeling the support. I can now start to sense the pressure within me that has been built to move me with force to get things done or to get things I want in life.

 The star within the star form awakens me, supports me.
We awaken within the container were we are energetically clear of the core of our hearts desire and then our energetic states will know and support us in transforming in to what is needed to obtain them.

I move through my day all the while staying in the star form sensing what is, again force rears its head, I acknowledge it again and again. Its teaching me about what I am in tuned to. Not liking it all the while but moving through. The more I acknowledge it the more I seem to settle in to myself and that’s when I got it…trust. Trusting my deep connection to myself as an energetic sensing being. I’m excited, I’m sensing my deeper connection.

This is my experience when I listened to the voice file, and as I stay connected through my day. The movement from walking the body energy paths continue to speak and teach me, moving me ever deeper in to who I am.

As I connect to myself, a movement from within me flows up, a well spring of deep appreciation for Kiera Laike for the support and love she reflects in the Awaken Stages that has carried me through.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Awaken Cycle 04 The Alignment of Three in Reflective Movement

In Awaken 04 walking day 23, Soul Essence in Relationship to Others corner. Gather soul essence and leave what we become for others that was not our soul essence. Sensing, experiencing, knowing the container.

Through the container of the star form, my first realization through my sensing starts with intense focus on -  the ability to tease out ourselves from others in perfect harmony.

Focusing on this supports me in knowing there is this part of me intertwined with others. I come into full acceptance of what this means on a sensing level. In the beginning I could see it but not grasp exactly what this was and as I reflected deeper within myself, this knowing takes root.  Seeing in to the reflection, I base who I am from others responses. This knowing I have not met so clearly until now,

What proceeds to come up latter after I had a conversation with a friend was a nagging re-occurrence of what was said. I stopped ruminating about what was said and turned my attention back to what the stages were teaching me…. know the difference between myself and others.  I looked again at the hinted suggestion from the conversation and asked myself – what part of this is me that is making me feel unsettled from the conversation. The suggestion was carrying me to another place I didn’t want to go, I kept fighting it and was torn.

I buckled down, and I was able to see what has brought me to this struggle. I was touched by what was, that was brought up from my past, feeling the pull to be back in that place. I was not being with what is as an energetic being. With this being seen I was able to settle and move on, knowing the difference between myself and other. I sensed, experienced and knew my container.

I find having the discipline and diligence in doing these stages and having the support of the star form has brought me to continuously focus deeper within myself of who I really am - an energetic developmental being in a spiraling universe.

Awaken Stage #02  Being Met When we first come into being as a human infant, the ideal experience that we should all have is that of ...

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